Think about your baby's future from the beginning of his life.

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           This process requires several step :  after joining TIMCELL, we will contact you in the shortest time to complete the donor card which will join the blood sample and determine in which Clinic will be the delivery.

           COLECTING: will be done at the delivery by the obstetrician. After clamping and/or sectioning of the cord, the blood obtained from placental vessels will be colected in a sterile closed bag for avoiding bacterial contamination. Total quantity that can be harvested is approximately 75\150 ml.

          TRANSPORTING:  After the harvest, cord blood is transported at room temperature 20/24 Celsius degrees in special recipients to TIMCELL laboratory where is processed.

          TESTING:    Serological testing, HLA-typization and determining of the total number of CD34+ cells (stem cells) will be done in TIMCELL laboratory.


           PROCESSING:    Processing of the cord blood consist in separation of the red cells and the white cells (leucocytes). Then the red cells are discarded and the  mononuclear cells (MNC) from the upper “buffer” are recovered in a pellet containing an important number of stem cells. The MNC pellet will be cryopreserved.


          FREEZING:     For the cryo-preservation the cells are immerse in a solvent DMSO (10% dimetylsulfoxide) wich act as a cryoprotectant.The purpose of the solvent is to protect cells against the formation of ice crystals wich rupture cell membranes. For this goal is important that the cells freez slowly. Final storage is in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen at temperature -196 degrees.

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