Think about your baby's future from the beginning of his life.

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bulletWhat are the advantages of the transplant using cord blood ?
bulletEasily obtained without risk or pain to mother or infant.
bulletCan be stored for personal use or donated for others.
bulletLess risk of infectious disease contamination.
bulletEliminates the risk of not finding a suitable HLA-match required for the transplant.
bulletFewer side-effects after transplantation.
bulletIs sufficient the amount of blood obtained from cord for adulte use or it is restricted to use in children ?
bulletThe smallest amount of cord blood ever used in a successful transplant has been 43 ml, so it can be used in adultes transplant.
bullet How can I store my baby'c cord blood?
bulletAccessing this web-site you should adress to one of the contact persons. In the shortest time we will contact you and your obstetrician to establish the cryo-preservation detailes.

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